
A blog dedicated to helping encourage one another and stir one another up in love and good works that we might see Hebrews 10:24-25 become a greater reality in our lives. Also, a great place to share stories, photos, anouncements and pranks among friends! Welcome to our blog!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Worship exists because...

“This is God’s design in world history—that people from all nations and tribes and languages come to worship and treasure Christ above all things. Or as Paul put it in Romans 15:9, 'that the Gentiles [all the people] might glorify God for his mercy.' There can be no weary resignation, no cowardly retreat, and no merciless contentment among Christ’s people while he is disowned among thousands of unreached peoples. Every Christian (who love people and honors Christ) must care about this.” –Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper

Ben and I read these words this evening and they cut to the quick. I have nothing that I can add that will make them more relevant to you. I think that of the three weaknesses he mentions, I err toward the “cowardly retreat” side. But no matter what side we err toward, it is not acceptable as God’s children who are supposed to “love people and honor Christ.” Pray with me that God will work solemnly in my heart to give me increased passion for the peoples. And let’s also remember to pray for our sister Michelle as we send her out.


Blogger Jen2 said...

Praise the Lord Sister!!
Thank you for your was a blessing for me this morning. It stirred my heart up again to ask myself "yeah, what AM I afraid of?!!"
It reminded me of a a sermon where a story was shared about a guy who strung a tight rope across the Niagra Falls and then walked across. The second time he was walking across, he was pushing a wheel barrel. As he finished, the crowd that had gathered was cheering and celebrating after witnessing the dangerous trick. The crowd eventually began to hush, and he offered "So, who will volunteer to RIDE in the wheel barrel this time?"
No one said a word.

The difference between being a faith-watcher and a faith-walker.

I love your heart Heidi ~

10:10 AM  

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